
Every superhero has their kryptonite. For our mom hero, Joanna, it was postpartum depression and anxiety.

For International Women’s month and UK mother’s day, our team at Cubo wants to share our Mom Hero: Co-Founder Joanna Lin. What did our mom hero do to battle her kryptonite? Turn that force into something good for moms all around the world.

Our mom hero is a woman who looks at adversity in the eye and says “not today.” A mom that can be equally there for her children as a nurturing presence and defend them against the world with an unstoppable attitude.

If you ever met Joanna, you would never call her “intimidating” despite being a decisive and effective leader.

She is sweet and welcoming, often smiling and making what we would say are “mom jokes.” They’re basically family-friendly silly jokes that her kids are probably very used to.

You’d never guess that not that long ago, she had to face the battle not just of infertility, but after finally giving birth, postpartum depression, and anxiety.

Perhaps what we admire most about her is how she faced it head-on. She thought not just of her own peace of mind, but that of every mother she could reach. She wanted not just the safety of her babies, but of every child that she could help.

To Joanna, adults should rave about the projects that they chase and the achievements that they make too.

Our Mom Hero: Joanna Lin

Joanna has led an awe-inspiring life long before she had children. She’s always believed chasing dreams and talking about them constantly with a twinkle in one’s eye wasn’t a thing solely for kids. To Joanna, adults should rave about the projects that they chase and the achievements that they make too.

Before Co-founding Cubo Ai, Joanna founded and marketed tech-related businesses, from e-commerce to a pet camera. It wasn’t until she had children though that she found her calling.

Joanna is now a mom of two kids under 5. Long before she achieved two successful pregnancies, she had several failed IVF attempts. After meeting her miracle baby and battling her anxiety to keep him safe, Cubo was born! You can read more about that story here.

She’s our mom hero because she’s an inspiration and a mother to everyone on the team. She’s present, analytical, hands-on, and a good listener. We suspect she got to be that way thanks to her own mother and the support system that allows her, and often her kids, to be in the office.

Joanna on Support systems and How Motherhood Makes Us Better People

Joanna has a community of people who support her as a daughter, a mom, an entrepreneur, and as a friend. Caring for her children is evenly split with her husband. She also says the inspiration her mother provides her gives her strength to be a better mom and businesswoman.

“My mother is a very brave woman. Once she makes a decision, she never gives up. She taught me that as long as I don’t give up, there will always be another window.”

She often talks about how motherhood changes a woman and realigns priorities. All of a sudden we become more compassionate and full of empathy. It changes us as people.

Here at Cubo, we can attest to the fact that this is her mentality about bringing peace of mind to mothers all over the world. In her eyes, no mother should have to face the anxiety of losing their child alone. We should do everything in our power to ease that anxiety and provide a safe world for babies.

Cubo Ai Smart Baby Monitor

Worried about your baby’s sleep safety?

Cubo can help

Cubo Ai is made to help moms soothe bedtime anxiety while being baby’s first safeguard.  With covered-face detection and proactive alerts, you’ll welcome better sleep for the whole family. Learn More

How Joanna Sees Ai Fitting into Modern Parenting

Now that her first miracle baby is older and another came to be, Joanna believes that not only the experience of motherhood brings a new perspective on entrepreneurship. Being a mom makes a person a natural entrepreneur, but also being a child and innovating is all and the same. Children take with them creative energy that is hard to tune out and the Cubo team is familiar with little Noah’s collaboration as “Chief Baby Officer”.

Life in the presence of technology and Artificial Intelligence has done little Noah well. He’s informed and educated on the use of these tools, now much better suited for his 8-month-old brother’s room than his own.

Joanna believes Ai continues to bring new opportunities to family relationships and we think she’s right. While it’s easy to fall into the trap that AI is new and scary, Noah knows that it can serve humans to soothe mothers’ worries. It aids in their children’s caretaking, and so much more.

4 years ago, it allowed Joanna to be a mother to Noah without anxiety in the middle. In the future, it could help him be a better version of himself too!