
It is common for young children to cough, however if your little one is experiencing persistent or intermittent coughs, it could mean something more.

Babies are not as prone to coughs as toddlers or older children, so it’s important to pay attention to your baby’s cough and understand what it could mean. With different kinds of coughs, treatments needed, and causes, this article will have everything you need to know to put your mind at ease. 

Why do babies cough?

Coughing is typically caused by an irritation in our air passages and your baby’s cough is a sign they need to clear those airways to resume their normal breathing routine. The act of coughing itself is usually a way to help clear your airways and resume your normal breathing routine and state of health. Coughing also gets rid of irritants or infections in your child’s body. So while a cough can be a cause of concern, sometimes, it’s actually a good thing that your baby’s body is doing to protect itself.  

While coughs are mostly caused by respiratory issues like colds, it can also be triggered by allergies, asthma, smoke inhalation, or swallowing something. Coughing is usually caused by the build up of fluid or mucus accumulated in the back of the throat which then forms into a cough. But, as we know, not every cough means the same thing. 

In this article, we’re here to guide you in determining why your baby is coughing and what it could mean. However, as always, medical expertise and your healthcare provider’s opinion should be prioritized above all else and there is never a reason too small to check up with your baby’s doctor when it comes to taking care of their well-being. 

What are the different kinds of coughs?

After being around your baby or other babies, you’ll notice that every cough is different and doesn’t sound the same. Oftentimes the difference between coughs is caused by the area where irritation lives in your baby’s body. Listening to your baby’s cough can give you an idea on what’s going on and with a visit to your baby’s doctor they’ll be able to use all the information to come to a conclusion and offer the best course of action. We know that a baby’s first cough or any number of coughs can be a scary experience for parents. That’s why we’re here to help.

So, what are the various forms of coughs to look out for when it comes to your baby? We have everything you need to know from common cold symptoms to signs of something more serious:

Wet/Dry Cough

Common Cold Cough 

RSV Cough 

Pneumonia/Bronchitis Cough 

Croup Cough 

Whooping Cough

Other Possible Causes of Coughs 

When to see a Doctor

Most of these coughs can be treated at home with certain remedies like giving your child fluids, elevating their head, having them sit in a steamy bathroom or using a humidifier. If your child is over one year of age, cough drops can also help with repeated coughs. And if they are even older, the doctor will likely prescribe cough syrup or medicine for particular treatments. However, sometimes a cough is more than just a cough. And if your child is struggling to breathe after coughing, has a high fever, is vomiting excessively, refusing to eat or sleep, begins to turn blue, or you suspect they’ve swallowed an object and could be choking on it, immediately contact your doctor or call 9-1-1. It is better to get a doctor’s opinion than to not. 

Tips to prevent a cough from happening 

Since coughs tend to be viral, it is best to keep your baby away from anyone who might have a virus. Continue with your everyday hygiene routine like making sure the family washes their hands, covering your mouth or nose when coughing or sneezing, and sanitizing objects around the house. Keeping your baby’s space clean can go a long way in keeping them healthy! But, don’t worry mama, every baby is bound to get sick at some point and this is a natural experience in motherhood to tend to your child on sick days. If you’re looking for more ways to safely track your baby’s cough and ease your mind, look no further than our new Cough Detection feature! Cubo Ai Smart Baby Monitor can detect when your baby is coughing and send you alerts so you can be on top of your baby’s cough and have all the information you need for their doctor to treat them.  

*Please note, this is not a comprehensive list and we do not give out medical advice.

About the writer

Meghan Nelligan is a freelance writer and creative storyteller based in the United States. She is passionate about mental health, creative writing, and social media. She also manages an Instagram account and a portfolio site for her poetry where she shares weekly readings, personal writings, and favorite works. Check it out here: https://gempoetry.squarespace.com/

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