How to Track Your Baby’s Growth: Understanding Height and Weight Development

A baby’s health is every parent’s top priority, in which height and weight are key indicators of a child’s overall well-being. By regularly tracking these metrics, parents not only monitor growth but also identify potential health concerns early on, ensuring peace of mind at every stage. 1. Why Are Height and Weight Important Indicators of […]
Tiny Hands, Big Bites: A Complete Guide to Baby-Led Weaning (BLW)

At six months, when babies begin exploring, they also embark on an important developmental milestone—starting the weaning process. This transition, from breast milk or formula to solid foods is not just about changing diets, but also a key period for babies to develop autonomy and self-expression. It significantly impacts their oral development, chewing ability, and […]
Essential Guide to Solid Foods for Baby’s Growth

1. Introducing Baby to Solid Foods Breast milk is the most natural and essential source of nutrition for babies, so it is recommended to exclusively breastfeed newborns. The World Health Organization advises introducing solid foods only after 6 months, primarily due to concerns about hygiene in developing countries where contaminated foods may pose health risks. […]
Top 3 Steps To Take When Your Baby Has A Fever

After treating thousands of babies during his career as a pediatrician, Dr. Yeh breaks down for parents the 3 steps to take when baby has a fever.
How to Keep Your Baby Warm at Night in Crib without Swaddle

Keeping your baby warm at night is a common concern that parents share. From room temperature to baby monitors, we’ve covered all the essentials for a warm and safe crib and baby bedroom.