What Causes SIDS and How to Create a Sleep Safe Environment for Babies

Waking up every hour to check on your newborn? An experienced dad tells you how to reduce the risk of SIDS. Learn how to create a safe sleep environment to get a blissful night’s sleep for you and your baby.
Baby Sleep Safety: Top 12 FAQs About Baby Sleep

Baby Sleep Safety: Top 12 FAQs About Baby Sleep” was co-written by Dr. Kenneth Yeh, a Pediatrician with experience treating over 10,000 babies during his career.
4 Tips For Improving Baby Sleep Safety

Dr. Kenneth Yeh, pediatrician, explains 4 Tips for Improving Baby Sleep Safety. From pacifiers, substance avoidance, and swaddles, Dr. Yeh makes his top recommendations for baby sleep safety after treating thousands of babies.
Safe Sleep 101: What you can do about SIDS

Safe sleep for babies is important because of one devastating gray cloud in the room: SIDS. What is SIDS and what can you do about it? Find out here.