How to Track Your Baby’s Growth: Understanding Height and Weight Development

A baby’s health is every parent’s top priority, in which height and weight are key indicators of a child’s overall well-being. By regularly tracking these metrics, parents not only monitor growth but also identify potential health concerns early on, ensuring peace of mind at every stage. 1. Why Are Height and Weight Important Indicators of […]
Tiny Hands, Big Bites: A Complete Guide to Baby-Led Weaning (BLW)

At six months, when babies begin exploring, they also embark on an important developmental milestone—starting the weaning process. This transition, from breast milk or formula to solid foods is not just about changing diets, but also a key period for babies to develop autonomy and self-expression. It significantly impacts their oral development, chewing ability, and […]
Essential Guide to Solid Foods for Baby’s Growth

1. Introducing Baby to Solid Foods Breast milk is the most natural and essential source of nutrition for babies, so it is recommended to exclusively breastfeed newborns. The World Health Organization advises introducing solid foods only after 6 months, primarily due to concerns about hygiene in developing countries where contaminated foods may pose health risks. […]
Soothe the Scratch! Easing Your Child’s Atopic Dermatitis

1. What Is Atopic Dermatitis? Atopic dermatitis is a common chronic and recurrent skin condition that often appears in early childhood and is frequently associated with other allergic conditions, such as allergic rhinitis and asthma. Of these, atopic dermatitis typically surfaces first, primarily affecting infants and young children. Globally, around 20% of children are affected, […]
Managing Your Child’s Fever: Simple Tips from a Pediatrician

A fever occurs when the body temperature rises above the normal range. It is the body’s natural defense mechanism against infections like viruses or bacteria.
How Much Sleep Does Your Baby Actually Need?

Top Tips for Understanding Your Baby’s Unique Sleep Needs By Claire Fair, the Gentle Sleep Coach As a gentle sleep coach for babies, I’ve seen countless parents struggle with baby sleep advice that doesn’t seem to fit their child. From pregnancy onwards, parents are bombarded with advice around sleep routines focused on what I consider […]
Understanding and Preventing Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Professor Chih-Chien Wang, Department of Pediatrics, Tri-Service General Hospital(Taiwan) What is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)? According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is defined as the sudden death of an infant under one year of age that unexplained even after a thorough post-mortem examination, review of the infant’s medical […]
A Must-Read for New Parents: Issues with Baby Spitting Up and Vomiting

Professor Chih-Chien Wang, Department of Pediatrics, Tri-Service General Hospital(Taiwan) Preface Lilian’s baby is just one week old, and after each feeding, the baby often spits up a little milk and sometimes even chokes on it. Concerned, she took the baby to the clinic to consult a pediatrician. Lilian wanted to ensure she hadn’t overlooked any […]
Navigating Baby’s First Doctor Appointment

The time has come for you and your little one to go to their first doctor’s appointment. While this milestone is exciting, you might also be nervous as you’re unsure what a first appointment entails. First, take a deep breath and recognize that what’s new for your baby will also be new for you to […]
Guide to Understanding Baby’s Cough

It is common for young children to cough, however if your little one is experiencing persistent or intermittent coughs, it could mean something more. Babies are not as prone to coughs as toddlers or older children, so it’s important to pay attention to your baby’s cough and understand what it could mean. With different kinds […]