
Cubo Ai’s Mom Hero: Joanna Lin, Co-Founder and Mother of Two

cubo ai mom hero

For International Women’s month and UK mother’s day, our team at Cubo wants to share our Mom Hero, our Co-Founder, and CMO, Joanna Lin. What did our mom hero do to battle her kryptonite? Turn that force into something good for moms all around the world.

Lights Out With Mom Chelsea: A Working Mom

smart baby monitor for the working mom

Looking for a smart baby monitor for a working mom? This family chose Cubo Ai Smart baby monitor and had this to say about their experience from why they ordered Cubo to how their extended family reacted to the new addition

Lights Out With Cubo Mom Amy

Cubo Mom Amy found Cubo Ai online and gave us a chance. Now she wishes she had found us sooner! Read more Cubo’s reliable connection, set-up, and alerts!

Lights Out With Cubo Mom Wendy and Her Baby

not a typical baby monitor

Wendy realized this was not your typical baby monitor when she pilot-tested Cubo. She had hesitations at first. Could Cubo measure up to a security camera? Read her journey below: