7 Ways to Create a Breastfeeding-Friendly Workplace

So many mamas give up on breastfeeding when returning to work due to scrutiny, unclean environments, or time pressure; but a healthy work environment will do all it can to allow a mother to continue what is best for her baby and thus foster a positive and productive work space. Last week, we talked about […]
Breastfeeding and Other Choices for Mamas

Cubo Ai celebrates all mamas and caregivers who are involve with feeding their little ones. Breastfeeding is recommended by many health organizations for infants as it can help fight infections, lower their risk in later years for certain diseases, offer beneficial nutrition, and is convenient when it comes to time and cost. For many, breastfeeding […]
What You Need to Know About Prenatal Infection

During prenatal infection prevention month, we’re going through everything you need to know about causes, prevention, and screening!
【2022 Updated】Packing Best Pregnancy Hospital Bags

We just updated this popular post! In this updated version, not only will you find out what to pack in the best pregnancy hospital bags but also how to select the perfect bag itself.
Top 16 Classic & Cute Pregnancy Announcements to Your Husband

With these super cute pregnancy announcement ideas to husbands, you’ll be able to share the good news in a variety of creative ways!
Full List of Foods to Avoid While Pregnant

Have I been conscious of foods to avoid while pregnant? This list will get you started on what to eat and avoid during your pregnancy.
Pregnancy Calendar: Your First Trimester Week-by-Week

During your first trimester, you’re eager to find out when your due date is, what’s going on and what’s to come! Read our post to get caught up on the basics!
Lights Out With Chia and Baby

Chia shares Cubo Ai experience with Sleep Analytics, 1080p HD Night Vision and other favorite features to turn nights around.
Lights Out With Linda & Baby

This mom’s experience with Cubo Ai includes all the features she used from the moment she bought Cubo for the Face Covered Alerts.
How to Transition Baby to Crib with a Smart Baby Monitor

How to transition baby to crib? Use a smart baby monitor! In this post we go into separation anxiety, bassinet to crib, and more!