
How to Track Your Baby’s Growth: Understanding Height and Weight Development

A baby’s health is every parent’s top priority, in which height and weight are key indicators of a child’s overall well-being. By regularly tracking these metrics, parents not only monitor growth but also identify potential health concerns early on, ensuring peace of mind at every stage. 1. Why Are Height and Weight Important Indicators of […]

Tiny Hands, Big Bites: A Complete Guide to Baby-Led Weaning (BLW)

At six months, when babies begin exploring, they also embark on an important developmental milestone—starting the weaning process. This transition, from breast milk or formula to solid foods is not just about changing diets, but also a key period for babies to develop autonomy and self-expression. It significantly impacts their oral development, chewing ability, and […]

Lights Out With Chia and Baby

a parent's cubo ai experience

Chia shares Cubo Ai experience with Sleep Analytics, 1080p HD Night Vision and other favorite features to turn nights around.

Lights Out With Linda & Baby

moms experience with cubo ai

This mom’s experience with Cubo Ai includes all the features she used from the moment she bought Cubo for the Face Covered Alerts.

Lights Out With Diana & Baby

Lights out with cubo ai- Diana finding a smart baby monitor

Mom Diana on finding a Smart Baby Monitor. From what she looked for to how it’s been since buying and what she’ll do differently with her next baby.

Lights Out With Mom Christin

lights out with christin

Cubo Ai helped this mom multitask better while she enjoyed all the other features that helped her feel present in her baby’s life.

Lights Out With Hadi & Baby

mom and baby in crib - cubo ai - lights out with hadi

Cubo mom Hadi went from worrying constantly about her baby’s safety to knowing her baby’s swaddle covering her face would never go unnoticed. Hadi and her partner would be alerted day or night to come help.